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Talkback Radio Documentary

December 21st, 2007 at 09:18am

You may recall that back in August I had a dream about a film crew visiting me to film some green mesh. This dream occurred a short time before a real film crew were supposed to arrive and film part of a documentary at my house. The documentary in question is about talkback radio, and in particular the people who ring talkback radio.

Yesterday I had an opportunity to catch up with the producer of the documentary, the ACRA award winning, 2CC Drive Show producer, Michael Thompson (not the one in the Woolworths ads). The part of the documentary which was being filmed over a series of weekends in August was the interviews of various talkback radio callers, it has been slow going since then as it is (or so it would appear to me at least) a part-time project. There have been other things to film, there has been plenty of footage to edit, and many other things have needed to be done.

It’s a silly thing to say, but the documentary is getting closer to completion every day, or in other words, it will be done when it is done. The grand plan is for the documentary to be screened on free-to-air television and I will keep you updated on that.

I’m not sure when the documentary will be completed, but based on what I have been told over the last few months, it will be done sometime in the next few months. I’m quite happy to wait, as I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

Incidentally, Michael Thompson has been the producer of the drive show for over a year now and I still haven’t officially welcomed him. Michael, welcome. Michael graduated from Charles Sturt University’s Journalism course last year and is doing a great job as the producer of the drive show.

Michael will be on leave after today, so I would strongly encourage anybody who listens to the 2CC Drive Show to ring 62554444 this afternoon and wish him a merry Christmas…and while you’re there, wait on the line and do the same for the presenter, Mike Welsh.


Entry Filed under: Samuel News,TV/Radio/Media

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