Robot proves that Samuel is a Chinese communist Unchain My Heart From The GST


June 30th, 2008 at 10:02pm

This evening at about 8:05pm I rolled my car on Parkes Way. I was stupidly going too fast in wet conditions and lost control on a bend, the details are a bit hazy but I believe I hit the gutter and rolled once, landing in the left hand lane. It was impossible to move the car on to the shoulder so I tried to get it across to the median strip, however the car stopped with the rear wheels on the road.

Surprisingly I managed to escape with only a small bump to the head, and a slightly grazed shoulder and knee. The main body of the car survived almost intact whilst the boot and most of the front of the car were demolished. The police officers who attended the scene were surprised that I was still standing.

Thank you to the people who stopped to check if I needed any assistance, especially the couple in the ute who parked on the median strip to flash their lights at oncoming traffic to warn them about my car protruding on to the road on a blind corner…not that they all paid attention. Also a big thanks to a friend who took my call and sent me the phone number for a tow truck.

I’ll be heading down to the Civic police station tomorrow to hand in the accident report, it will be interesting to see what happens after that.


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  • 1. Pen 15  |  June 30th, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    Bloody hell, Sam. Glad you’re OK.

    I’m sure you don’t need a lecture on driving safety right now…but I’m sure you’ll get one sometime ion the next few days!

  • 2. Samuel  |  July 1st, 2008 at 7:51 am

    I got a five word lecture from the Police last night:
    “Slow down, for God’s sake”

    I think you’re right, there’s more of that to come.

    If it weren’t for the fact that my head hurts, I’d suggest that I deserve a good whack over the head.

    Thanks for your concern Pen.


June 2008

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