The Petrol Companies Don’t Always Win (Shell out of petrol)
January 25th, 2008 at 05:00pm
A long weekend is usually a pretty good business period for the petrol companies, and a great excuse for them to mark up the prices.
For Shell though, this long weekend is not so good. Courtesy of
Shell service stations across the state ran out of certain types of fuel today, just ahead of the Australia Day long weekend.
The unplanned shut-down of two major units at the Clyde refinery caused the shortage.
Shell was forced to close pumps all over Australia as drivers hit the roads for a three-day weekend.
All premium unleaded has run out and only limited supplies of regular unleaded and diesel are still available.
It’s probably going to annoy a handful of motorists who pull in to a Shell service station, only to be forced to drive away without refuelling, but for the vast majority of motorists it’s a nice piece of poetic justice. Let’s just hope that don’t put the prices up after the long weekend to make up for the lost sales.
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