Meanwhile at 2UE and 2CC What will Santa bring the good doggy for Christmas?

The child left in a Perth car

December 24th, 2007 at 10:00am

Good morning Tim,

About this poor child that died after being accidentally left in a car in Perth…I have to wonder how it is possible to accidentally forget that you have left a living human being in a motor vehicle, especially a two year old.

I can't imagine how it is possible to get out of a car and leave a two year old in it, and then drive away in a different car for an hour. To me this is just beyond comprehension.

I hope this really was an accident and the parents did just forget, because as horrible as that is, the other possibility is stomach churning.

Also I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family of Isaraelu Pele. It seems to me like a case of shared blame, doctors not picking up on the symptoms, and the administrators for making the medical staff work longer and harder than they should have to. The decisions of these dedicated professionals directly affect whether people live or die…we have limits on how many hours professional drivers and pilots can work, why is it that the powers-that-be expect medical staff to work so much longer and harder than the rest of us.

As for the politicians who wouldn't even talk to the media yesterday and left it to the administrators to explain, "spineless" is about the only word for it. And the stupid statement by the administrator that "if we ran this test on every child that had symptoms of meningitis then we would be running the tests all day every day", well if we are having children turning up at hospitals vomiting blood all the time, doesn't this indicate a more serious medical problem in the wider community that deserves more action that stupid statements?

I'm sorry Tim, don't mind me, I know this email is too long for you to read in its entirety on-air, these two stories have managed to get under my skin and it is hard to stop writing.

Anyway I would like to wish you, your staff and all the listeners a fantastic Christmas and new year.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Just in case you’re wondering, the two stories I was referring to:
Toddler dead in family car, police investigate
Boy dies after being sent away from two hospitals

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December 2007

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