Walking On The Left If Play School Produced Weather Reports


August 16th, 2007 at 08:11pm

Yesterday I said I had some interesting plans for future articles on this blog, and indeed I do.

To start with, tomorrow I will be conducting the second radio review of the series…normally I wouldn’t give away the date of a radio review but I am doing so on this occasion. Seeing as the drive shift (3pm-6pm) has already been reviewed, there are three shifts to choose from. I’m not going to tell you which one will be reviewed, but I can tell you that the results of the review will be published at 9am on Monday.

Something which is probably more interesting is that I am starting a couple photography projects, one will be of the mountains and hills of Canberra, and the other will be of various bits of Canberra’s infrastructure. In this day and age the latter is going to be a tad difficult. I have an interest in the infrastructure behind the technology we take for granted mainly because I like to know how things work, however I will have to take into account the fact that such photos may seem a tad suspicious, and I will have to ensure that the photos meet certain guidelines which I will be imposing upon myself. Naturally these photos will go on the photo gallery and I will bring some of the highlights to your attention here on the blog.

I am also about to start an investigation in to a matter which I think is relatively important. I can’t say too much as the investigation will be done in a more-or-less undercover manner, however I can tell you that it will take place over the next few weeks, and I will report on it at the end of the investigation. Those of you who are good at reading between the lines may discover some clues here in the next week or so, and I will give you a head start by telling you that it has something to do with what people may be getting for free that they should be paying for.

I will also be making an important announcement about Samuel’s Persiflage shortly.

Apart from that I have a bunch of things I have been planning on writing about recently but never got around to. I will try to get on top of that backlog shortly.


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1 Comment

  • 1. Pen 15  |  August 17th, 2007 at 6:27 pm

    What could people be getting for free?


    keep us posted!


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