Troy Williams – A Fresh Face For Illiteracy (Updated: A draft was sent to the printer) Global Warming and Football

A Spammer Tries Poetry

August 2nd, 2007 at 04:20pm

At least I think it’s supposed to be a poem…whatever it is, the bees are incoherent:

Late February, and the air’s so balmy
will come, blighting our harbingers of spring,
Traces of those deep cuts lie thickly upon
So you can watch me watch uplifted snow
Pealing, it tries to fill the cold night air
By trees—or might see as the masonry
III. Earliest Recorded Northern Explorers: The Greeks and the Vikings
Place of absorbing snow, itself to be
To watch me watch drowned snow lift from the lake.
Dreaming time has reversed—and you,
Billows the fog, cloaks
Summer bees were saying
Some stubborn sprouts up through the stubble hay,
The road, but not far enough ahead
Swaying in unison beneath the snow,
It is as though I were at a second threshold.
Summer bees were saying
trainer flips young alligators over on their backs,
As if your human shape were what the storm

I’m not sure why the road is swaying under the snow, but as I said, the bees are incoherent.


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness

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  • 1. Pen 15  |  August 2nd, 2007 at 6:19 pm

    I’d like to flip alligators onto their backs. Then people would think I was tough and respect me.

  • 2. Samuel  |  August 3rd, 2007 at 1:27 am

    Another spam poem:

    Wind, sleet. The branches sway,
    Glimmering of light:
    Pealing, it tries to fill the cold night air
    marked with a dark stroke from the left, encroached
    Across the heavens’ gray.
    Centimeters—that the height of the canvas
    At four, the spectators leave in pairs, off
    The high whites spread over the buried earth.
    Between the vertex that the far-lit gray
    to try that, to hold a terrifying beast
    visitors’ dugout. The osprey whose nest is atop
    Dim, and die tonight?
    Right, and appears from here to be overcome
    Away, my songs, must we go
    Still has to be intoned, as in a lonely
    As it sits there like an eventual
    Astonished that you have returned to go
    shortcake, waffles, berries and cream
    Silent patch of ultimate paint. You are


August 2007

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