ACTION Bus Outage Reminder
July 7th, 2006 at 07:11am
“Outage”…I must be reading too much at work…anyway a reminder that ACTION bus drivers are holding a stop work meeting today between 10am and 1pm. The meeting is not, as reported on the ACTION website, for “employees to be consulted on the establishment of the Territory and Municipal Services Department”, but instead for drivers, management and associated unions to work out what to do about excessive service and job cuts planned by ACTION management.
You would be well advised to find alternate transport from 9am-2pm as most services will stop operating before the meeting so that drivers can attend the entire meeting, and some services will take longer to resume than others. The meeting is apparently going to be held at the Tuggeranong depot, so services closer to Tuggeranong will resume earlier than services in Gungahlin for example.
I’ll be keeping an ear out for information about the meeting, and will let you know when some news breaks.
Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,General News