Rush Limbaugh: Behind the Golden EIB Microphone (1996) Adventures In Betting: The story so far

Shyley on British television

February 16th, 2024 at 05:56am

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a long time would probably recognise my two lovely Jack Russells, Shyley and Pebbles
Shyley and Pebbles

Well, late last year a few days before Christmas, early in the morning, Shyley and I were watching some British greyhound racing via the online stream of British free to air TV station and their Greyhound TV program. For those of you unfamiliar with this station, it is similar to Australia’s in a way as it is available free to air and free to stream, and carries a select number of races. GTV usually focuses on two greyhound meetings at a time, just as usually focuses on two or three horse racing meetings at a time.

As I do sometimes when watching this, I sent them an email. But given the time of year it wasn’t really about the racing as such, it was more of a Christmas greeting. It was getting late in the program so I didn’t really expect them to get to the email or spend much time on it if they did, but as soon as the next commercial break finished, Julie started talking about how much she enjoys receiving emails from overseas, so I quickly started recording on my phone, and sure enough, Shyley made an appearance on British television!


Direct link

I’m sure it was a thrill for her. When Pebbles got out of bed later in the day I showed her the video and she sniffed at it, possibly checking that I hadn’t duplicated Shyley and added to the puppy dog mischief in the household!


Entry Filed under: Sport,Talkback Emails,TV/Radio/Media

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  • 1. nbrettoner  |  February 16th, 2024 at 9:57 am

    Great to see you back again Samuel.
    UK Stars eh ! 🙂

  • 2. Samuel  |  February 16th, 2024 at 11:54 am

    Thank you Noel. Nice to hear from you again and see you’re still reading. My apologies if you’ve been seeing some strange behaviour with the site as I have been tinkering with a few things around the layout (notice it’s wider now and many of the dead links on the side are gone), and ran into an issue which was preventing people from posting comments, which seems to now be fixed.

    There will be a little bit more tinkering although for the most part I’m happy with how things look. I have removed the Google ads which haven’t paid me a cent in well over a decade and are really just tracking people and think there’s some other outdated visitors stats gathering tracking code lurking which I need to remove.


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