Twitter Updates for 2012-05-13 Twitter Updates for 2012-05-15

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-14

May 14th, 2012 at 09:00pm

  • Tim Flannery's at it again. More doom and gloom predictions. He has been consistently wrong about climate change. Ignore him today. #sun7 #
  • @tenbreakfast you're wasting your time with Flannery and his "report". Remember when he told us the dams would never fill again? in reply to tenbreakfast #
  • Flannery also predicting rising sea levels. Funny considering they've been falling since he last predicted it. #
  • @markparton even Tony Windsor (page 5 Telegraph) doesn't seem to believe him… in reply to markparton #
  • @markparton you should ask the magistrates of the ACT. They seem to delight in believing the most unbelievable stories. in reply to markparton #
  • Then they should embrace those who fled UK in the 1700s RT @theheraldsun: Aboriginals say asylum seekers are welcome #
  • @nat_forrest welcome back Nat. See you at 11am for a dose of local news? in reply to nat_forrest #
  • @coffeyn @tenbreakfast Daily Telegraph have used the same ambiguous wording today. I treat such questions as meaning anthropogenic warming. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @VentraIP I think @audahq should transfer their .au domain names to you. Might cause a stir, but they'd receive good service and low prices. in reply to VentraIP #
  • Former 4BC/2UE host Michael Smith was a guest on 2GB Chris Smith show today, discussing politics. Could he be replacing the axed Luke Bona? #

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