Migraines A new ranking system for students, and only a bureaucrat could have come up with it

Mike Jeffreys’ “High Speed Analysis for the Conversationalist on the Run”

June 13th, 2009 at 10:46am

One thing which I have been enjoying of late on the Internet is Mike Jeffreys‘ “High Speed Analysis for the Conversationalist on the Run”. Basically, Mike is taking a brief look at a number of issues at a time which is proving to be quite interesting.

In his latest post of this ilk, one of the topics is something which I too have noticed…an increase in the number of bank scam emails lately:

There seem to be more than the usual number of bank and credit card email scams right now… and the quality is up. Was a time when the bad spelling and ludicrous grammar made you wonder how anyone could be taken in, but not now. I recently rang the Commonwealth Bank on their praise or comments number – got straight through to a real human being. Full marks. You don’t have to be a customer to get one of these things. Example: today I received an offer to win a Porsche Cayenne for completing a survey as a St. George customer. Which I’m not. Be nice to know of a way to get these damned nuisances where they live. Maybe experienced net nerds know how. Unfortunately I don’t.

A comment from “Alf” of Belconnen in reply to this certainly caused some amusement:

Can’t agree more on the presistent nuisance emails we receive, although quality control still falls down at the scammers end. Raised a smile after receiving virtually identical scam emails, the first “from the St George bank”.

A giveaway in the second was the sign off, as the St Commonwealth Bank.

Perhaps the scammers know about an impending merger?

That said, the last time I checked, there is no “Saint Commonwealth”, and raising interest rates all on their lonesome isn’t getting them any closer to sainthood.


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