Fixed? Leon Byner is not what I call “fixed”
May 25th, 2009 at 11:17am
Fairfax syndication’s website says:
Most services are now restored. However, live news on w’end aft, nghts, and M-F Drive will have faults. Repairs should be completed by 2/6/2009. Prefed and Rural News are also on DC.
Uh huh, so fixed means that you were feeding Neil Mitchell on the Auxillary channel earlier, and Leon Byner from Adelaide now? Yep, having to manually download news from Digital Courier because you send the wrong program on the auxillary channel is what I call fixed!
Oh, and tell Neil Mitchell that he is a break behind will you…
Update 2:48pm: Apparently having Leon Byner on the aux channel is intentional due to a lack of circuits until a part arrives from Israel. It would have been nice to have been told in advance. End Update
Entry Filed under: TV/Radio/Media