Who wants my job? Power Failure in Mitchell and Kaleen

A fog free day

May 28th, 2008 at 05:30pm

Hi Mike,

After your parting wish of a fog free day this morning just before your insightful announcement that ACTION's new direction would not fit in before the news, I felt compelled to tell you how much I like fog. I've always been quite partial to a good fog.

I do remember one day in winter of 2006 at work on a particularly foggy day when I commented about the "nice fog" one of my co-workers informed me that there was nothing appealing about a fog. Naturally I disagreed, fogs are wonderful mysterious things that change the visual landscape in a different way every time, some bits are thick and other bits aren't…and it wafts, I love a fog of varying density that wafts. There is something very special about standing in a fog with a torch and watching the beam of light change as the fog wafts past.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

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1 Comment

  • 1. padders  |  May 28th, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    Fog is white
    Fog is brilliant
    Fog leaves dew on my window and
    Soon it’s time for bed.

    Hark the fog and morning beckons
    Rising mist portends sunlight
    Cold mornings ring the changes
    Winter chills of coming night.

    Just a couple of ditties that sprang into my head. Hope they bring a smile Sam.


May 2008

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