George and Paul on 2CC
March 21st, 2008 at 06:13am
Well that is slightly surprising, 2CC are taking all of 2UE’s weekend morning show with George Moore and Paul B. Kidd today.
I was almost expecting their new weekend presenter Graham…(last name escapes me at the moment, sorry) to do what Mike Frame would have done previously by presenting a public holiday version of the breakfast show.
I suppose this means 2CC will be taking 2UE for all but the two hours and forty-five minutes they will spend on 2GB’s football coverage tonight.
For me though, this raises a conflict. I haven’t heard George and Paul for ages and would love to listen to their show, but 2GB’s Jason Morrison is back from the USA and filling in for Alan Jones this morning.
I think a tradeoff is in order. Jason until 8AM, and George and Paul for whatever time I have for the radio during the rest of the morning.
Entry Filed under: TV/Radio/Media