An Era Draws To A Close Lawsie’s Final Day crashes MyTalk!

Best wishes John

November 30th, 2007 at 10:00am

Good morning Lawsie.

Best wishes for your retirement John. I will miss you immensely as you have been a common factor throughout my life, and I am ever so used to hearing you every morning. Not hearing you ever again in the morning is bad enough, but I'm also going to miss the punctuation to my day that "El Presidente" and Roger Miller's "Less Of Me" have provided.

I had the great pleasure of chatting with you a couple years ago, it was one of the highlights of my year, and I was surprised by the number of people who commented to me in the days after that they had heard me talking to John Laws. Oddly enough, the question I got asked the most was how long I had to wait to talk to you!

By the way, it's been bugging me for a year or so now so I hope you don't mind me asking. What was the name of that robot thing that you used to chat to many years ago?

I would especially like to thank you for being there for me when I was bed ridden for a week or so in 2003, and for being there just about every other time I have turned on the radio in the morning. Thank you for the Cuckoo's Nest (whatever happened to that clever bunch), and for nurturing the co-driver, and for your great jingles, and for your services to radio (tell Kevin '07 to get you knighted!) and a really big thank you for just being yourself day after day after day, and bringing so much entertainment to my life, and to the lives of millions of others.

I'll miss you greatly John, but I hope you have a really great retirement, and please come back once or twice to fill in! I'm sure Clive won't mind if you fill in for him once or twice on the overnight show!

Have a really great retirement, and thank you John, there will never be anyone quite like you again. (It's hard to hold the tears back as I write this, I don't think it will hit me for another couple of days that you're not coming back).

P.S. Please leave a forwarding address with 2UE…I have some drawings and a christmas card to send to you.

Best regards, and kind wishes for a fantastic retirement,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Entry Filed under: Talkback Emails

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1 Comment

  • 1. Tony  |  November 30th, 2007 at 11:35 am

    Gentleman John will be sadly missed.
    I wish you all the finest hours John, you sure gave us some finest ones.
    Take care and look after yourself.


November 2007

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