Frankster’s Live Podcast
July 25th, 2007 at 02:07pm
Well Skype may have temporarily scuttled my plans for a live interactive podcast last week, but it can’t stop Frankster from running a live podcast, mainly because he won’t be using Skype for it. Frankster won’t be taking calls like I was planning on doing, but he will be running a live version of his podcast tonight at 8:30pm GMT+10 (10:30am GMT).
For those of you who enjoy taking a stroll back through our broadcasting heritage, the Frankster Podcast is for you…the show should be a lot of fun.
Click here for the live stream (compatible with Winamp, iTunes, XMMS and possibly some other media players.)
Update: For the first time in a few days, today I had more than four hours sleep…and wouldn’t you know it, I managed to sleep through Frankster’s podcast. Thankfully he does have an MP3 of the whole thing online for people who, like me, missed it (and possibly also for those who just want to hear it again). Apparently the live show was a success, and the stream worked in RealPlayer. End Update
Entry Filed under: Entertainment