WIN Television’s Tribute to Peter Leonard What a cruel thing to name a girl

Congratulations Julie Mayhew

July 24th, 2007 at 03:33pm

Here is a letter I have delivered to Ainslie Primary School for Julie Mayhew, one of my music teachers during primary school. I’ll let the letter explain the story.

Dear Ms. Julie Mayhew,

I don’t know if you remember me or not, but I was one of your students during my primary school years from 1993 to 1999, and I certainly remember you.

I am writing to you today to congratulate you on the Highly Commended honour you received in the 2007 National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education, it was very pleasing to hear that you are still teaching music, and even more pleasing to find out that you won, or to be more precise, earned an award for doing so.

I was listening to the 6am news on 2CC a couple weeks ago when the news first came through, and I remember thinking when they introduced the story “I wonder if this is a teacher that I know?” When I heard the rest of the story and heard that it was about you, I jumped straight on the phone, and expressed my congratulations to you during 2CC’s breakfast show.

As I think back to the annoying little rascal of a kid I was during primary school, I find it hard to believe that anyone found the patience to teach me…that, coupled with the fact that you were (and obviously still are) a brilliant music teacher, makes me incredibly pleased that you have received this recognition of your work.

I congratulate you on this award, and your magnificent efforts in teaching music, and I wish you all the best for the future.

Your Sincerely,

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,Samuel's Editorials

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