April 17th, 2007 at 06:08am
Today was supposed to be a happy day, with the birthday of this blog and Australian talk radio, but as this blog has a growing audience in the US I feel that there is minimal room for frivolity today.
At the time of writing this message there were up to 32 dead and nearly as many wounded in the worst school shooting in the US to date. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere condolences and best wishes to everyone who has been affected by the Virginia Tech University shooting today. It is truly terrible news, and it really does make the case for Australia’s gun control laws.
There will be a low key celebration of the second birthday of this blog later today at the birthday moment, however I will not be conducting the other planned celebrations today.
I will, however, leave Australian talk radio to do what it has done so well for the last forty years, cover and discuss a breaking news story of massive magnitude.
This, unfortunately, is a very sombre day.
Entry Filed under: Blog News,General News,Samuel's Editorials