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A thank you to all of you

June 12th, 2024 at 09:22pm

A quick note of thanks to all of you who chipped in to help out Frankster in his hour of need.

A few months back I posted information about Frankster’s difficulties in finding suitable accommodation after a series of personal tragedies. It has taken a lot of time, much support from a number of people including kind readers of this blog who donated to help out, and a lot of patience and effort from Frank himself, but I am pleased to say that in the last week, Frank has been able to return from exile in temporary accommodation in Katoomba and now has a small place to call his own back in the heart of Sydney’s inner-west, near his medical team and probably more importantly, within a reasonable distance of employment which has recently come his way.

It was my pleasure, albeit at short notice and on very little sleep, to make a trip up to Sydney last week to assist Frank in making the move. Even the pouring rain making it almost impossible to see on my way both there and back wasn’t enough to deter me from helping Frank with this important milestone.

Many thanks to all of you who helped and those who offered advice as well. I know Frank is extremely grateful to everyone as well.


Entry Filed under: Blog News,General News

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1 Comment

  • 1. nbrettoner  |  June 13th, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    Hi Samuel,

    That’s wonderful news!
    And yet another example of a very much alive community spirit.
    Really sorry you had to combat dreary dangerous downpours, and that bothways.
    But very happy to see you got through and home safely.

    Thankyou for all you do in advising/helping/listening to/reaching out; to so many people.


June 2024

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