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The Sunday Share: When the expert assures you the alien invasion is neither possible nor happening, while it happens

May 19th, 2024 at 05:02pm

Jeff Wayne’s musical rendition of The War Of The Worlds is a true masterpiece. And I always get a bit of amusement from the assertions early in the piece from the expert astronomer that nothing could possibly live on mars, let alone be coming from there to invade.

There is a highlight right at the end in the epilogue where NASA have sent a rover to Mars and then lose communications with it and the rest of their facilities (including one in “Can-Berra” which great considering I live in Canberra) and another invasion begins.


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1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. nbrettoner  |  May 21st, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    Reminds me of “Jouurney to the Centre of the Earth”, and Tubular Bells. Also
    “Hall of the Mountain Kings”.

    I actually camped beside my 4×4 or was it my Super Roo one night on a bend on the access road to the Canberra station. In the rain; on a tarp which I wrapped under-over. Miserable night.

    Interesting that one can get canned berrans. 🙂

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