Anti-drinking advertising
March 11th, 2008 at 01:00am
Good morning Clinton,
I have to agree with your comments about the Rudd government's planned advertisements against binge drinking…they won't work, because nobody will take any notice of them. In fact I think the target demographic (the under-18s) will just treat it as a case of "the adults say we shouldn't drink…well we'll show them".
And, I thought Kevin Rudd was against scare campaigns…how does an advertising campaign to ""scare the living daylights" out of binge-drinking teenagers fit in with Kevin Rudd's comments before the election about the Howard government's awful scare campaigns?
Also I think Joe Hockey would make a great federal Liberal leader…and with Brendan Nelson's approval rating lower than the unelectable Peter Costello, the sooner they switch to somebody…anybody, the better.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Entry Filed under: Talkback Emails
1 Comment
1. David-H-Eastwood | March 11th, 2008 at 12:11 pm
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