Stan Zemanek’s Funeral
July 17th, 2007 at 09:26am
Dear Mr. Laws,
I am writing to you today in an effort to pay my last respects to Stan Zemanek. It is not possible for me to attend the funeral or view the television coverage, so I intend on listening to your coverage of the funeral with John Stanley.
I hope that today's funeral will help Stan's family in their grieving process. This has clearly been a difficult time for them, and I think it is safe to say that the support they have received is nothing short of exceptional.
Also, I am sorry to hear that your golden microphone is missing, I hope that it will be returned quickly.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Entry Filed under: Talkback Emails
1. Samuel | July 17th, 2007 at 7:22 pm
A quick message for Jason23…one place I do draw the line is your comment, I am not going to run your comment at the bottom of a sombre post.
If you still want to post your comment, do so on .
2. Tony | July 17th, 2007 at 11:44 pm
Stan was a great showman
And very
Remember him
In all fondness
3. Pen 15 | July 18th, 2007 at 12:01 am
Thats a real mood lightener. Kudos to you, Tony