State Of Origin Stan Zemanek

Fresh Blueberries…They Still Exist!

July 5th, 2007 at 08:33am

A couple months back I was musing about the difficulty I was having in finding fresh blueberries due to fruit shops not buying them as they were selling for $9 per punnet, and eventually I gave in and bought the somewhat more soggy frozen blueberries.

Well this morning I received a very welcome surprise when 2CC’s Mike Jeffreys announced that he saw the fabled fresh blueberries in IGA Ainslie last night for $11 per punnet…it’s a high price for a small package of blueberries, but they are that rare that I’m willing to pay the price.

It’s good to know that my favourite fruit is being sold somewhere…I might just have to visit IGA Ainslie today before the blueberries vanish again.


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1 Comment

  • 1. Tony  |  July 18th, 2007 at 8:44 am

    What’s a blueberry Samuel?
    The prices of fruit and vegetables keep skyrocketing I no doubt most kids in Australia will be asking the same question soon.
    They keep telling us to eat fresh, how can we when junk food is cheaper than fresh food.
    Come on government, up the tax on junkfood and lower the fresh food prices, for a healthier Australia.
    It’s not gonna make a lick of difference about the ozone effect to the planet if we are all dead by 40, think about it.
    Take the chemicals out of food too.
    We don’t need them, they shorten our lives.
    We never needed chemicals in our foods before, so why now?


July 2007

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