Shhhh, it’s him!
July 8th, 2006 at 09:37am
OK, who here remembers my article from late May about ACT Planning and Land Authority‘s (ACTPLA) bizzare renaming of Cooyong/Ballumbir/Coranderrk Street?
Well it would appear that it has done the rounds at ACTPLA’s Dickson office. On Thursday, when I had some spare time on one of my breaks, I went for stroll down Challis Street in Dickson, one of the buildings I walked past was that of ACTPLA where about five or six ACTPLA staff were discussing something and making a fair bit of noise in the process. As I was approaching, one of the staff noticed me and stopped talking, she started staring at me, and three of the other staff did the same, the group started mumbling to each other and watched me walk past.
When I got to the end of the block I had a look back to see what they were up to, they were continuing their discussion and keeping an eye on me. As I looked back, one of them suddenly stopped looking at me, whilst one of the older men continued to watch me.
I then continued on my way and went back to my office.
It is worthwhile noting that ACTPLA are yet to update the street signs after the name change they forced on the road I mentioned in the previous article (linked above)…how long does it take to produce ten or so road signs? Were they discussing that in that meeting I walked past? What’s the bet that they get the signs wrong when the put them up?
Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Canberra Stories,Samuel News