Some Policies – My First Official Interview As A Candidate
September 21st, 2007 at 10:55pm
As I mentioned earlier, 2CC’s Mike Welsh interviewed me at about 4:10 this afternoon. It was during this interview that I made the public announcement that I had decided to run for parliament. The interview contains a brief summary of me, the electorate, a couple of my policies, and electoral procedure. I think, overall, this is a good starting point if you want to understand where I stand on a number of issues.
Download link
I didn’t prepare myself properly for the interview, mainly due to the fact that it was quite busy at work today which meant I didn’t really have time to jot down some notes (which I should have done overnight anyway). I have more ideas than those I mentioned during the interview, including thoughts on subjects such as broadband, workplace relations, roads and education (I suppose some of those things fit in to the welfare category that I drew a blank on during the interview), but for the moment while I sort out a couple administrative matters, the interview will do as a good starting point.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the poll, the people who entered 2CC’s “come up with a slogan for Samuel” competition, the people who decided to link to this website, and everyone else who helped me make up my mind on whether or not to stand for election. Your assistance with this decision is greatly appreciated.
Entry Filed under: Samuel News
1. Pen 15 | September 22nd, 2007 at 5:19 pm
Good for you!
Whats your policy on Immigration, Sam?
2. David-H-Eastwood | September 22nd, 2007 at 10:39 pm
“I had decided to run for parliament”…….
Walk ! Don’t run !
Dave Eastwood.