When actors get the blueberries in Go-Lo, there will be indoor skiing
March 18th, 2024 at 11:02pm
The other day during my sleep I had a dream that I had taken a job as an actor. I was supposed to play a doctor in a rural town and the filming was to take place in a town about ten hours drive from Canberra. Of course, I am not an actor, so I was hoping that the people in charge didn’t notice my distinct lack of acting skills.
I drove to this remote town with one of the other actors and they spent most of the trip reading their lines from a very small notebook. After we arrived in the town there was a meeting of everyone involved in the filming, and I read through a larger notebook containing my lines, but paid no attention to the meeting so I missed all of the details about the filming schedule.
I then went to the only store in town, which was a very large version of a Go-Lo store (which used to be a discount store with many hundreds of outlets across Australia) which had floor tiles which looked like an Aldi store. There was a wall of discount blueberries, half in small size and the other half in large size. They were very tasty so I decided to buy some, however as the store was very large, it was recommended that customers wear skis so they could travel through the store more quickly. I started skiing towards the checkouts however ended up at the other end of the store in the high speed aisle and found myself doing laps of the store at 80km/h while all the paths to the checkouts were blocked so I was required to just continue circling the store on skis while eating blueberries!
Entry Filed under: Samuel's Dreams
1. nbrettoner | March 19th, 2024 at 7:24 am
Good morning Samuel,
Can I ask you to be my barrister please.
If unavailable or “no.”, what are you like at making nice coffee?.
I use the werd “nice” in deference to (the ward) “good”, as that one (good) imho is more to~the~matter~of~trurh~therebe; concerning one’s coffee enjoyment.
If it’s good; it may not be nice (to everyone), nor,
if it’s nice, that doesn’t mean it’s good (for everyone).
Concerning your remarkable dream-retention skills, I wish I could (retain). But they usually leek away before I fully awake.
PS I am envious of the dreams you are gifted with. Mine are far less wonderful.
Enjoy an excellent day. I’m off to have some stitches removed. No not the laughing sort.
My Dr noticed my nose had an extra hole in the side; which proved to be a casa nosa, which we hope has now been completely surgically removed (no this is Not a dream! π ).
Tom Morrow I get to sea the Radiationist; for some potential zapping thereof.
Please pass on my hartphelt hippologies to grandma ( of the grandma ‘plice mob), for my abhorent merder ows atrocities within the above.
Life is far two short not to have a byte of fern, eh?.
Oh and your blog post on white vans (in NZ they even used drab coloured nondescript ones) makes enlightening reading. Hence wondering if you do barristering, as well as make nice/good coffee? π
2. Samuel | March 19th, 2024 at 5:33 pm
Well Noel. I don’t know that my legal barristering would be either tasty to the consumer or palatable to Their Honours Of The Bench. And while I lack the necessary paperwork to be considered qualified for the roles, I am sure The Samuel Institute of Interesting and Useful Certifications can produce something. I am certifiable, after all!