What could the National Broadband Network possibly have to do with multiculturalism?
February 9th, 2013 at 10:32am
For one reason or another, the National Broadband Network Company has a stall at Canberra’s Multicultural Festival.
What, I ask you, could NBN Co possibly have to do with multicultural issues? Certainly nothing which justifies the expense of taxpayer funds.
How very bizarre.
Update: Quick footnote. There’s a police recruitment stand at the multicultural festival too. I think that is equally out of place and inappropriate. End Update
Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Canberra Stories
1. malady | February 10th, 2013 at 1:23 pm
I imagine that the broadband people are trying to reach as many people as they can.
The police recruiters are probably trying to attract more migrant people into the police force.
I don’t see an issue with either of them being there tbh.
2. Samuel | February 12th, 2013 at 3:50 am
I agree that they’re both there in some sort of “outreach” capacity, but I don ‘t think that excuses it. It’s a multicultural festival which is supposed to celebrate diverse cultures, and I don’t think government (or private) entities have any place there advertising their wares or trying to recruit people.
I also have an issue with the multicultural festival as it promotes differences rather than similarities, but that’s an entirely separate issue.
(Sorry for my slow reply. I’ve been “down and out” with a nasty migraine for a couple days)