Midterm 2010: CBR 11:30am EDT 8:30pm WDT 5:30pm
November 3rd, 2010 at 11:32am
Nancy Pelosi is not ready to give up her power just yet. This in from ABC America a few minutes ago.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected numerous polls predicting a Republican landslide among House candidates and defiantly predicted tonight that Democrats will retain control of the House of Representatives.
“The early returns and overwhelming number of Democrats who are coming out – we’re on pace to maintain a majority in the House of Representatives,” Pelosi told reporters during a photo op in Washington.
But after polls closed in 24 states, early returns appeared to favor Republicans in competitive districts, signalling Democrats could be in for a bruising night.
Perhaps she’ll set up a giant conference room in her own house. Then she can continue to be speaker of the House…because there’s no chance of her staying in as Speaker of the real House.
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