Midterm 2010: CBR 10:20am EDT 7:20pm WDT 4:20pm
November 3rd, 2010 at 10:22am
Early results are clearly trending Republican.
Republicans have scored their first victories of the midterm election, with Tea Party-backed Rand Paul in Kentucky and former Sen. Dan Coats in Indiana declared winners in their respective Senate races shortly after polls closed.
Elsewhere, Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy easily won his reelection race, as did South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who faced off against Democrat Alvin Greene, an unemployed unknown who won his party’s primary without campaigning. The race for governor in South Carolina is too close to call, with Republican Nikki Haley competing against Democrat Vincent Sheheen.
It’s still way too early to work out what the end result will be, but the results seem to be mirroring the polls for the House. I really can’t work out anything for the Senate just yet.
Entry Filed under: General News