Samuel’s Musician Of The Week Editorial Echoes 18/02/2008 – Kevin Rudd’s Dangerous Apology

Samuel’s Blog Weekly Poll: Living in Natural Disaster Zones

February 18th, 2008 at 03:31am

At the time of writing this, Western Australia’s Pilbara coast is preparing for yet another cyclone. Cyclone Nicholas, currently a category three storm, is getting closer to the coast, and people between Mardie and Exmouth, including those in Mardie, Onslow and Exmouth are bracing for impact. It has me wondering why anybody would want to live there as it seems to get a cyclone every few weeks.

So, with that in mind, this week’s poll is:

If your income could be tripled by doing so, would you live in an area which is affected by regular cyclones?

Total Votes: 18
Started: February 18, 2008

If anybody would care to explain their answer in the comments below, that would be a very interesting read.


Entry Filed under: Weekly Poll

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1 Comment

  • 1. fathead  |  February 22nd, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Samuel, this is one of the more ridiculous polls in recent history. Most houses in cyclone-affected areas have been built to withstand extreme weather conditions. And it is not as though cyclones are a daily occurrence – it would be illogical to pass up the opportunity to earn triple pay out of fear of something that only occurs occasionally.


February 2008

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