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My condolences to Kevin Bartlett

March 19th, 2024 at 05:26pm

It was announced this morning that Denise Bartlett, the wife of legendary AFL figure Kevin Bartlett, had died.

Denise and Kevin Bartlett - source 7news
(Denise and Kevin Bartlett. Image credit: 7News)

Denise had been unwell for a few years and it was clear that this had been taking a toll on Kevin, who is widely regarded as one of the nicest people in AFL circles.

Kevin Bartlett was a legendary player for the Richmond Tigers and later became a commentator, calling many games for Seven throughout the 1990s and Fox Sports after that. He also called football on radio for SEN where he was the long-time host of the morning show Hungry For Sport, a play on his nickname “Hungry” from his playing days. In more recent years Kevin moved to 3AW as a commentator, but when Denise fell ill, Kevin took a step back from commentary to look after her, which was a great loss to football. On the odd occasion that Kevin did return to the airwaves, it was clear that his wife’s struggles were taking a toll on him too.

Kevin and Denise had been married for 54 years. She was as well-regarded around the Richmond football club as Kevin himself. While football had been Kevin’s life for the most part, Denise was his rock.

I’m sure that Kevin has many wonderful memories of Denise, and I hope that these memories can bring him comfort at this time.


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