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Cold pizza and game shows

An email to 2GB and MTR’s C Team: Chris Bowen, Trevor Long and Mark Levy

G’day boys,

I’m not a fan of cold pizza but I have a bit of a dilemma when it comes to reheating it. I don’t really want to heat it in the microwave and have it go all soggy, but I don’t really want to wait for it to reheat in the oven, so usually I end using the microwave, not enjoying the food and remembering to use the oven for the next few occasions.

And as for game shows, Wheel of Fortune was the best. It was so good that I carried it through to my school classes, making the wheel out of a glue stick and driving my teachers nuts. I was absolutely fascinated by The Price Is Right back in the late ’90s and wouldn’t miss an episode. As for kids game shows, Time Masters in the mid ’90s with Andrew Daddo was my favourite, although I think I’m the only person who remembers it because I only ever get blank stares when I bring it up.

Have a great night guys!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: Another correspondent has emailed The C Team suggesting that reheating a pizza by placing it in a frying pan, straight from the freezer, is a good quick way make sure it’s still hot and crispy. Seems like a good idea to me. End Update