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Mike Frame on State Focus

August 18th, 2008 at 02:56pm

A few months back, Mike Frame left 2CC to host the Queensland version of Southern Cross Ten’s State Focus programme. Mike does this from the Southern Cross Ten studios in Watson which is interesting not only because the regional program doesn’t have to be filmed in the region, but also because Mike didn’t have to leave Canberra and was therefore able to appear in the social pages of The Chronicle last week, attending a function at Thoroughbred Park.

That photo reminded me that I’ve been meaning to check for a video of Framey on State Focus for a while, and this morning I spotted the following extract which originally aired on the 6th of July.

It looks like Mike is enjoying hosting State Focus, but he doesn’t look comfortable reading the autocue. Firing question off with some degree of ad-libbing makes Framey look more “at home”, hopefully the autocue part of his job will become more natural as time goes by.

Whilst on the subject of Framey, apparently he filled in for Graham Robinson on a Sunday on 2CC a few weeks ago. I missed it as I was sleeping at the time, I would have called in otherwise. As for the question of why I haven’t called Graham on the weekend yet…well I’m rarely able to call on a Saturday during the Weekend Magazine, and I don’t really have much to contribute to the gardening show or The Tradies Post…I do listen though.


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August 2008

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