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Google Translator Fun

I decided to throw one of the recent posts through the google translator from English to German to English, the results were quite entertaining.

It would appear that “Dickson College” has become “university Dickson” and Google have invented a “capucino satay” as well as roasting rice rather than frying it. It would also appear that I was doing a lot of “doing” and my bus driver friend made an “entire” during the afternoon. My bus driver friend’s involvement in the used furntiure business became “a Miteinbeziehung in the memory” and I appear to have strted eating my “dte” (Tea…I think) Anyway, I’ll let you read and enjoy this new and bizarre dialect of English.

Well apart from a small event at the school, which I commentate not on, until the expenditure is repaired, had I a pretty good day.

This mostly was because of a lunch meeting with my bus driver friend, who made an entire in the afternoon meeting.

Right after 1PM met I it outside of my university (university Dickson) and, instead of went a doing which we for the last two weeks and going to association the Dickson Tradies for the lunch doing, we completely to Tuggeranong for the lunch, which was very good. This roasted rice and chicken, which is with one cappucino satay, were very nice.

After this expired we to Queanbeyan and a furniture business used, whose I cannot remind me of names…, it of No. 117 on a road in Queanbeyan if this assistance am. My bus driver friend has a Miteinbeziehung in the memory, therefore it was good to see him for the first time and meets some interesting people at the same time.

During out there, I in that was to waive rather nice Weinlesewalkman. Z.Z. take I to two radios around with me, am one a torch/flare radio, whom I use as my loudspeaker radio, who am, which I prefer it to use, when going or sitting, in certain ranges as headphone me to a certain extent provoke, I find particularly there, prevent her my ability to hear that mine surrounds. The other radio, which I carry around with me, is newer Walkman, who has only one headphone exit, a this is useful on penalties etc., how people can be provoked by loudspeaker radios in limited areas, and a right on your ear to hold is unpleasantly and partly disorienting suitably it external noises partial blocking and my ability effectively preventing to mark the position from noises to.

These “new” radio (it is new to me), one inbuilt loudspeaker has AND headphones… is spent and suprisingly esIST in the situation to have the headphones and the loudspeakers to simultaneous, marks it also a switch, in order to turn the loudspeaker on and away. Is supposed in the situation to settle the work of the other two radios and to make a sound quality available of the better loudspeaker than that torch/flare radio.

That I do not have each possible problem with the other two radios, it formed, is very good you and their work friendly settled, but these “new” radio things more simply.

IchWAR in the term to make some photos of this radio but rejects the camera to accept perfectly good batteries and is argumentative, therefore you must only wait.

Back to the history of my daily. After the attendance to Queanbeyan, which we decided, a coffee to drink and during so back to Dickson and in particular went, Hudsons, which is possessed by the people, which tended, to be my following door neighbours. After this my bus driver friend let me fall away at home, who was probably short before 5PM.

After this went I examining the Johngesetzwebsite to see in order, if this were already the Wochen”gut of laws “segment on its place of assembly. Before I continue, I will address the continual interests of a number of people, which read this blog. I do not hear on John, whom laws show up, mean this that I am with everything on it, but I the appearance enjoy and I a very large quantity respect for John laws have and I him find to maintain. If you are with me others, I am fine with this, do not confirm I that, straight is I there not a fan of most FM music stations, a quantity of people not discussion radio and some/all the Vorfuehrer to stand can. That is not fine and I has a grasp with that, finds I it actual to renew that people unbelievably different opinions have, if it comes to the means it form my life many more interesting and the maintenance.

Back to history (again), when said I, examined I the John law place of assembly for this the Wochen”gut laws “segment, since it marked a section in it that I heard this morning and wanted to again hear, it this woman gave, who was probably drunk going on and on and on and on and on and on approximately absolutely nothing, and it was hillarious, like the notes formed Lawsie.

The principal reason, which I mention this, is the fact that I considered last week, which the people, which are responsible for maintaining the John law place of assembly, had destroyed delibearately the audio quality on the music in the document, which really my ears hurt you and hard to hear too was. I sent to John an email, who asks for an explanation, and during I never received (or at least, heard me not for appearance, when he explained it, if he did at all), which the audio quality for this week had been regulated, which pleased me immeasurably, and I had email Lawsie, it for only attachment thank it, which I had now done.

I assume that I should have a fast counting pulse of my beverages up to now today (hmmm yesterday I have this for one while written). I ate a cup of dte to my breakfast /morningtee (, I had another warning master clock accident), I drank a coffee at the lunch, a coffee to in the afternoon dte, a coffee at the dinner, a coffee this evening and another coffee this evening. The lunch and in the afternoon dte were strongly, actually thus were the house, which was not formed one, so that 5 strong coffee is, a miracle, which I did not believe tiredly…,

I feel like here sit and a continuing real writing Kauderwelsch but I become not, terminate I this here and receive something sleep…, if I can! Hmmmm, surprises me I, if the ADS on 2CC must examine this evening……. to play. Samuel
