- Samuel's Blog - https://samuelgordonstewart.com -

The cat’s in the kettle

A few weeks ago A Current Affair hyped up a story about a restaurant which was serving cats. They ran a bunch of promos claiming that they had an investigation in to a restaurant which was cooking cats and serving them to customers. It was a beat up and a half, as it happened the restaurant was serving cats…it was serving them the leftovers. They were feeding a bunch of stray cats. Big deal.

Anyway, it reminded me of an amusing song which I had around here about a restaurant cooking cats. I looked for it at the time and couldn’t find it, however I found it earlier this week and thought I’d share it with you today.

You can download the Flash (SWF) file here [1].

If you have something which you’d like to share with the world as a Friday Funny, send it to samuel@samuelgordonstewart.com and I’ll usually be happy to give it a run.
