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Happy New Year John!

January 1st, 2010 at 02:10am

An email to 2UE’s John Kerr

Good morning and felicitations to you John,

I was planning on sleeping through the start of the new year as the changeover from one year to the next doesn't really phase me, however the fireworks at midnight woke me with a decent bit of rattling of the walls. Nattie (the lovely little dog in residence) was quite concerned by the fireworks and insisted on a cuddle and shelter in my room…sadly I have been unable to get her to stay in her own bed since then, and she has taken up residence on my bed, as you can see in the attached photo. I might try to coax her back to her own bed later.

By the way, I would be interested in your thoughts on whether this year is the first or last year of the decade. I have had this debate with myself and with a friend…in one way it's not the start of the decade as there was no year "zero", making years ending in "one" the first year and years ending in "zero" the last year of any decade, but to the same extent we name decades such as the "eighties", "nineties", "noughties" etc. I suppose it could be argued that every year starts a new decade, depending on how you measure decades.

It could also be argued that I give these things too much consideration.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Nattie dozing

Update: Just fixed the image…no idea why it didn’t work properly to begin with. End Update

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1 Comment

  • 1. padders  |  January 1st, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Hello Samuel. Happy New Year.

    I personally believe that 2010 is the last year of the decade known as the ‘naughties’.

    I leave you with something another person posted, somewhere else on this net thing … and I concur – so here ’tis:

    The first year of the first decade was year 1 A.D., not year 0 (there was no year 0). All subsequent decades start on the year that ends in 1, including the 201st decade (2001-2010), and the 202nd decade (2011-2020).


January 2010

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