If you’re going to commit armed robery, please don’t eat your weapon Song request

Shower echo

May 18th, 2009 at 05:41pm

Last week when I practically lost my voice, and I needed to rest it for a day or so afterwards while my throat continued to hurt whenever I would try to speak, I discovered something that I knew, but didn’t appreciate to its full extent, and that is that I talk to myself an awful lot. In fact it’s almost constant, and it’s almost subconcious. I talk to myself about things I’m doing, I talk to myself about things other people are doing, and I comment to myself about many many things. It would appear to be one of my main ways of processing and thinking about things. (I’m trying to work out if there should have been any semi-colons in that last sentence as I have managed to confuse myself…Padders where are you?)

I only noticed the full extent of this last week when I was trying to be quiet, and kept catching myself talking to myself, which was more noticeable than usual due to the aforementioned sore throat.

Anyway, one time when I quite happily talk to myself and argue with myself is when I’m having a shower. I do some of my best thinking in the shower, and as such I’m quite used to the acoustic properties of my bathroom, and in particular my shower recess. I received a shock today when I went to have a shower in the bathroom of my hotel room and noticed that the echo in there is particularly loud. I can’t see any reason why it would be any different to any of the other rooms of the hotel (I have stayed in a different room on each trip to Deniliquin), but it is, and it is annoyingly loud.

It did amuse me somewhat when I said something (I don’t remember what it was), interrupted myself to make a comment about how annoying the echo is, only to be distracted by the echo on the statement about how annoying the echo is.

They say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness…the fact that I’m quite happy to concede that I’m insane aside, has anybody proven the link between talking to yourself and madness, or is it just an old wives’ tale?


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May 2009

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