Fairfax Radio Network Obama’s statements about ideology and policy

Parcles and post office boxes

May 22nd, 2009 at 06:33am

Last week, before I left Canberra, I decided to check my post office box as it would be the last chance that I would have for a week (now two weeks), and I was waiting on some mail.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to visit the post office on Thursday or Friday, so in the early hours of Saturday morning I went for one of my walks, and found a notice in my post office box informing me that “an ordinary article” was awaiting collection from within the post office, something which can only be done during business hours.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this “ordinary article” is the parcel that I was waiting for…a book which I’ve been waiting for. This made me wonder:
1. why there isn’t come sort of secure after-hours parcel collection system at post offices, and
2. why post offices can’t open at all on the weekend…9am-midday on a Saturday wouldn’t be too onerous would it?

The thing which irks me about post office trading hours is that, for anyone who works 9-5, they’re quite useless. Collecting a parcel means either wasting your lunch break in a queue or taking time off work.

In this case I only have myself to blame for not allocating two hours of my Friday to visiting the post office…I’ll just make sure that I visit the post office on the Monday after I get back to Canberra. The box will probably be close to full by then.


Entry Filed under: Samuel News,Samuel's Editorials

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  • 1. Trephinator  |  May 22nd, 2009 at 3:31 pm

    Good points – there are quite a few Post Offices in Sydney open on Saturdays – typically they are the smaller ones.

    At my Post Office parcel collection is available 7am-9am which is quite convenient for me as I can actually collect my mail and not have to wait in line behind someone who is paying their electricity bill, gas bill and having a passport interview.

  • 2. Samuel  |  May 22nd, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Apparently I can’t spell “parcel”!

    You’re lucky Trephinator…I am yet to find a post office in Canberra which is as convenient as yours.


May 2009

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