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Bureau Broken!

The weather bureau’s Canberra temperature page [1] has gone on holidays. It’s currently stuck on the 5:45am temperatures, and it looks like it’s the entire Canberra weather data feed because Weatherzone have the same problem [2].

This makes me wonder what radio stations are doing for current temperatures.

I use the Gungahlin Weather Centre [3] for Gungahlin temperatures as a matter of course, but I have had to fall back on ActewAGL for City temperatures [4] (which may be slightly out considering that it’s on top of a concrete building) and Weather Underground’s Conder temperatures [5] for the Tuggeranong weather.

It looks like the bureau’s entire automated system has gone bang, as Sydney is also stuck in a time warp [6]. Oops!

A day when things don’t break is not a day at all.

Update 7:50am: And the Bureau are back at work. End Update
