Hello and the everyone! Singing for rain and the gardens

Welcome to Deniliquin!

December 13th, 2008 at 02:57pm

And here I am in Deniliquin. I arrived at 2pm, having left home at about 7:15am to fill up with petrol at Caltex Braddon and then embark on the journey. From Caltex Braddon to Deniliquin was 533.9KM and I left Caltex at 7:23am, so the average speed of the journey was 83.64KM/H, however when you consider that I stopped in Gundagai and Jerilderie for approximately 30 minutes per stop, the average speed of the journey was actually 99.18KM/H.

The trip was quite enjoyable thanks to a podcast followed by an iPod in shuffle mode, and the fact that I got in to Gundagai right on schedule to hear the 9am news on FM 94.3 Sounds Of The Mountains, in which I heard one of my sport bulletins for AIR News. I also stopped a bit west of Wagga Wagga to take a photo of a sign which interested me due to it containing the names of two people that I work with in Canberra. I also made a note of a few things that I would like to take photos of on the way back to Canberra.

I didn’t travel via the shortest available route in terms of distance, but I did enjoy the drive anyway, although my GPS got a bit confused in Wagga Wagga at a point where a traffic island ended…its instruction to me was “Turn right, followed by, make a u-turn”.

Based on what it was displaying at the time, I think this was supposed to be followed by “turn right” again.

Anyway, I’ve been up since about 11:30am yesterday, so I should probably get some sleep. I have more Internet access than I was expecting within the hotel, so you will probably hear from me a few times during the week…and if you live in a town where AIR News is broadcast, you’ll hear me tomorrow morning presenting the sport bulletins.

Must sleep now for a little while as it will be dinner time in a few hours, and The Bill will be on ABC1 shortly thereafter.


Entry Filed under: Samuel News

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  • 1. Steady Eddie  |  December 13th, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    You’ve arrived in Deni a few months too late for the ute muster . . .

  • 2. Samuel  |  December 13th, 2008 at 10:11 pm

    Very true, although I dare say that motor vehicle exhibitions aren’t really my idea of a good time.

    I’m here for work.

  • 3. legshagger  |  December 14th, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    I’ ll держало пари что некоторые из тех loonies от Summernats были связаны вверх с той серией!

  • 4. Samuel  |  December 14th, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    “I ‘ll bet that some of those loonies from Summernats were linked up with the series!”

    Not sure that I follow you there legshagger.

  • 5. legshagger  |  December 14th, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    I раз должное для того чтобы покрыть muuster ute для радио ###, и его было как they’ d препятствовал всему lunatics из убежища. Я должен быть осторожным делающ эти комментарии по мере того как loonies имеют длинние памяти. Я разрешал прокомментировать в русском в дани к вашему славному временному хозяину блога.

  • 6. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly  |  December 15th, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    Dearly Mr or Mrs or the Ms. Legshagger.

    I am think that you might be not knowing of the Russian as all well and good as possible, which is similar of me in Englishes. I am think I do of you understanding of and must be saying thank you for nicely comments.


December 2008

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