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Press Release: Federal Liberal and Labor Parties Should Admit They Don’t Believe Humans Responsible For Global Warming: Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 5th, 2007 at 03:50pm

Stored for archival purposes
Independent candidate for Fraser, Samuel Gordon-Stewart, says the approval of the Gunns’ Pulp Mill in Tasmania is proof the federal Liberal and Labor parties do not believe humans are responsible for climate change.

“Many environment groups have stated that the Gunns’ Pulp Mill will increase the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by an inordinate amount. New South Wales Greens senator Kerry Nettle stated on radio last night that the increase would be a whopping two per cent.” Mr. Gordon-Stewart said.

“The fact that both the federal Labor and federal Liberal parties have welcomed a pulp mill that will increase greenhouse emissions by this much is proof that they don’t believe humans are responsible for climate change.”

“This is a view I fully endorse, and I strongly encourage the federal Labor and federal Liberal parties to admit to it.”

“I also welcome the pulp mill. The federal chief scientist has set down some very sensible rules for the operation of the pulp mill, and I believe the mill is a good thing for Tasmania, and the nation as a whole.”


Media Contact: Samuel Gordon-Stewart 0405 302 499

Entry Filed under: Global Warming,Vote 1 Samuel!

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