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2UE Movements Of The Week

January 23rd, 2007 at 11:58pm

2UE just can’t make their mind up about their schedule…Glenn Wheeler has supposedly taken leave after working seven days a week almost every week since Stan Zemanek resigned. Stuart Bocking is filling in for him for the rest of this week…Clive Robertson is filling Stuart’s middawn shift.

Friday is a public holiday, and being a public holiday right next to the weekend, 2UE have decided to run their weekend schedule on Friday put George Moore and Paul B. Kidd on breakfast. John Kerr is in Tamworth judging the Country Music Awards, and I highly doubt he will be back for Friday morning, and 2UE being the place it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Clive Robertson hosts New Day. George and Paul will be hosting the “breakfast” shift, which being a weekend runs from 6am-midday…the upshot of which is that network stations will get them filling in for John Laws.

Update 12:09pm 24/Jan/2007: OK…nice joke from a usually reliable source…very funny. As albona said in the comments below, and as the source has since emailed to tell me, George and Paul are only doing the regular 5:30-9:00 breakfast. Tim Webster will be on the Laws programme…my source doesn’t know who will fill in for John Stanley or Steve Price, I’m tipping Steve Liebmann and Murray Olds respectively. I suppose I was a bit too eager to accept the notion of George and Paul being broadcast nationally again as we don’t get to hear them in Canberra any more.End Update

Apparently Glenn Wheeler won’t be back until Saturday, although that seems a bit odd to me…that shift is a mystery. Mike Williams should be heard on Friday night.

Looking further ahead, and John Laws is back on deck on Monday, with an increased number of network stations. Lawsie will now be heard on a record 73 stations covering 1,500 towns and cities, with an estimated daily audience of two million people. It must cost a fortune for Toyota to advertise on that show!

In further 2UE movements, it is now strongly rumoured that Stan Zemanek’s replacement will either be announced or start on Monday. Interestingly the majority of names flying around as the supposed replacement for Stan are the “beauties” from his television talk show “Beauty and The Beast”. I’ve got to admit that I still fancy Stuart Bocking, especially as he has been put in that shift yet again, and this time without Rachel Friend as a sidekick (that experiment drew more than a few complaints…I can’t understand why, I thought they made a great duo). That being said, my sources are all saying that Stuart Bocking, Clive Robertson and Glenn Wheeler are not in the running for the job.


Entry Filed under: TV/Radio/Media

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  • 1. albona  |  January 24th, 2007 at 6:23 am

    George and Paul are doing 5.30 til 9.00 on Friday as they announced on their program last weekend, Tim Webster is doing Laws’ program as per normal as he announced yesterday.You should listen more carefully.

  • 2. Samuel  |  January 24th, 2007 at 12:02 pm

    Ah…OK, I’ll shoot the person who fed me that info. Thanks albona.

  • 3. Bearded Clam  |  January 24th, 2007 at 9:35 pm

    so, we have John, Paul and George…

    wheres Ringo??

  • 4. Craig-Dubious  |  January 25th, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    Dunno about Ringo, but word around the traps is Tom Cruise
    may be appearing in a movie titled “The Blogger”, based on
    the blogging life of Samuel Gordon-Stuart.

  • 5. Samuel  |  January 25th, 2007 at 5:52 pm

    That’s very dubious Craig

  • 6. Craig-Dubious  |  January 25th, 2007 at 6:38 pm

    I’d like to say it was Samuel Gordon-Stewart, but unfortunately
    there’s another blogger out there by the name of Samuel Gordon-
    Word on the grapevine is that he bears a resemblance to Tom Cruise, and is 5ft. 2 ins. tall.

  • 7. Bearded Clam  |  January 26th, 2007 at 3:29 am

    Is he considered the new Christ?

    Either way, I bet he isnt gay

    Not that it matters.

  • 8. Samuel  |  January 26th, 2007 at 3:47 am

    Bearded Clam: Re your first sentence…I hope not, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being confused with somebody who think he is the messiah.

    Re your second sentence…I agree with your third sentence.

    Hmmm, perhaps I should have been a public servant.

  • 9. Mr-Pappadappadopolis  |  January 26th, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    It’s commonly accepted that Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) was about 5ft 10 ins. tall (178 cm) , so that includes Cruise OUT !

  • 10. Bearded Clam  |  January 27th, 2007 at 2:43 am

    Even though Cruise wears elevated shoes?

  • 11. David-H-Eastwood  |  January 27th, 2007 at 9:41 am

    Of course.
    He’s certainly not Messiah material.
    Even Humphrey B. Bear would be a better canditate than Cruise !

  • 12. Craig-Dubious  |  January 27th, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    “Even Humphrey B. Bear would be a better canditate than
    Cruise “.

    He most certainly would ! Cruise couldn’t even get a job as a
    talkback host on Radio 2CC – (and that’s REALLY scraping the
    bottom of the barrel ).

  • 13. David-H-Eastwood  |  January 28th, 2007 at 9:34 am

    The only problem with Humphrey B. Bear doing talkback radio
    is his status as a mute.

  • 14. Samuel  |  January 28th, 2007 at 11:48 am

    Yes, that could pose a minor problem…perhaps he would be better as a panel operator.

  • 15. David-H-Eastwood  |  January 28th, 2007 at 12:34 pm

    Humphrey as a Panel Operator ? That would be a guaranteed recipe for a total disaster !

    A competent Panel Operator requires a certain amount of skill , combined with speed and quick thinking.

    I’m afraid Humphrey’s slow, half-witted brain wouldn’t be
    up to the job.

  • 16. Samuel  |  January 28th, 2007 at 12:41 pm

    Well, I don’t agree about the “half-witted brain”, but you make a good point none-the-less. Perhaps he should stick to television.

  • 17. Craig-Dubious  |  January 29th, 2007 at 9:56 am

    Perhaps he should.


January 2007

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