Dream Of Explosion Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

Wayne Mac tonight on 2UE and 6PR

February 26th, 2006 at 03:33pm

I previously mentioned that Wayne Mac will be on 6PR tonight, he has since informed me that he will also be on 2UE tonight with Mike Williams (aka Shirl from the Mike Walsh Show).

I don’t know the exact time of Wayne’s 2UE appearance, but it should be sometime between 6PM and 9PM Sydney time (7AM-10AM GMT). 2CC (and possibly some other regional stations) relay Mike Williams, so you might be able to hear it locally, if not, the 2UE webstream is available on the 2UE website.

Wayne will also be on 6PR’s “The Way We Were” program from 10PM-11PM Perth Time (1AM-2AM Canberra Time, 2PM-3PM GMT). Again, some stations may relay this, but if you can’t receive it locally, the 6PR webstream is available on the 6PR website.

I’ll do my best to bring you recordings of the 2UE and 6PR interviews, although I can’t guarantee anything.

In response to the allegations that Wayne is an undisclosed advertiser on this website and/or my podcast…no, I just enjoy hearing his interviews, and where possible try to get copies for his benefit, he is not an advertiser or sponsor of this website and/or my podcast, just a friend.


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  • 1. Chuck Berry  |  February 26th, 2006 at 9:44 pm

    I hope my comment did not give rise to such allegations about Wayne advertising on this site. If so the post was not intended to do so. Apologies.

  • 2. Samuel  |  February 26th, 2006 at 9:53 pm

    No, I just get strange people emailing me from time to time. The interesting ones get featured.

  • 3. Chuck Berry  |  February 26th, 2006 at 9:59 pm

    Oh good. I was just making an innocent observation. How did the interview go?

  • 4. Samuel  |  February 26th, 2006 at 10:10 pm

    It went quite well, I’ve got the audio here and will put it online after the 6PR interview (whether I do it in the wee hours of the morning or later in the day will depend on how tired I am). Wayne is, to the best of my knowledge, on a plane to Perth at the moment to start a holiday (although it looks like he will be visiting 6PR once he gets into Perth).


February 2006

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