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I can’t really decide…

November 8th, 2005 at 09:42pm

As you may be aware, I recently announced that I was not going to post on a particular website any more, but I am seriously reconsidering that decision. The website in question is The RiotACT (not the loony website I commented about earlier today). As much as some of the people who post there are either deranged or somewhat deluded, I must hand it to them that they do provide a local news service that no other website seems to be able to manage. Recently it has attracted the attention of Simon Corbell, the ACT planning minister, who has been replying there personally, so one does have to wonder who else reads it.

Some of the regulars, even the ones I disagree with, do seem mostly logical (there are also some utterly insane people) and are capable of logical debate.

Two things today have made me reconsider my announcement, the first one being that they have discussed two topics which are somewhat important to me today, one indeed was something I have discussed here previously.

The other thing was that I recieved a letter in the mail today from somebody who had been reading my comments on The RiotACT and has heard me on 2CC…they asked me to join their trivia team for an upcoming trivia night.

Also, it is hard to deny that RiotACT does deliver a lot of people to this site, and stopping posting there would severely hamper the efforts of this website. Apart from that, some of the owners of RiotACT are fairly decent people…I can’t say I necessarily agree with their choice of friends (which for some of them includes the evil pompous loony woman Caz who I’m convinced was released by accident from a lunatic asylum), but friends of friends aren’t necessarily my friends, and that policy does to some extent apply to my online activities as well.

I know that some of my regular readers and commenters dislike The RiotACT, and that is your choice, which I respect. I’m often in split minds about it myself, but it is strangely addictive, and I can’t give up on it cold turkey.

I guess this means I’m going back…I usually skip the uninteresting stories anyway.

I sincerely hope this doesn’t affect any of the online friendships that I have with some of the readers of this site.


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  • 1. John B1_B5  |  November 9th, 2005 at 7:37 pm

    Well, you can always READ what’s being posted there without having to actually post anything . ( Personally, I’ve got better things to do with my time than looking at The Riot Act ) .

  • 2. Samuel  |  November 10th, 2005 at 11:35 am

    That’s true…I think that reading it takes up more of my time than posting there anyway, so I think it’s a mostly healthy balance.

    It is funny what people do and don’t like, people have some very interesting differences in their opinions.


November 2005

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