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Steve Liebmann Signs With 2UE

About a month ago, Steve Liebmann filled in for John Stanley for a day. This probably surprised a lot of listeners who are used to John Mangos filling for Stanley, but they better get used to it as Steve Liebmann has just signed a two year contract with 2UE as a regular fill-in presenter.

The information I’ve found suggests that Liebmann may be the new regular fill-in for 2UE’s Drive presenter, Steve Price, which probably fits in quite nicely with current naming conventions, Mike’s fill in for other Mike’s, John’s fill in for John’s (except for the John Laws show where Tim fills in for John, unless John Stanley does it, in which case it meets the naming convention) and Steve’s fill in for Steve’s.

It might be confusing, but at least callers can use the name of the regular host and still get it right!
